Saturday, October 07, 2006

Destroying Spider Webs

I spotted the first large spider 2 nights ago when I arrived at Ricky`s in Fukuoka. It was crawling amongst the entranceway shoes. `Just leave it,` he said.

Next morning, everyone still asleep, I spotted a couple moderate-sized spider webs by the driveway entrance which I decided were too close to the house. With a bamboo stick, I knocked off the part touching the house, and let the remaining part dangle in the air, the yellow 2-inch spider clinging to its web as it blew about in the strong wind. Ricky`s other visitors supported my efforts though he appeared indifferent.

But this morning, while enroute to the compost bin in the backyard, my face got unexpectedly entangled with a couple webs. I then decided it was time for ALL webs to go. With the 4 foot long bamboo stick in hand, I challenged the largest webs I could see -- 8 in total perhaps covering 24 square feet of web -- each with it`s own 1-2 inch yellow and black spider on it. Tomorrow, I will seek out any new webs as I compost the water spinach before we hop on an early train to the Kobe area. Japan is the land of spiders. People believe in their homes, they are ancestors, though once outside, they are not. Time to sweep them out.


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