Sunday, March 28, 2010

Song for Soleil a la Daniel Dionsio

I've been working on writing songs and music over time including improvising, writing, recording.  Last month, I even lent my hands and ears to a friend who is launching an album (I'll let you know when it's released: it's gonna be a huge surprise so I can't say much about it, but hopefully it'll be out in the late summer; not that I have a major role in the album, but you'll be able to hear me on the keyboard doing some pretty cool stuff).

Anyways, a good friend of mine Daniel (currently residing in the Philippines) posted this on Facebook and YouTube not too long ago.  He composed a song with his wife about their daughter and little sunshine, Soleil and performed it (piano + voice) for the world.  I really like this song (I can listen to it over and over), so I decided to intro this on my blog so that all my friends and followers get a chance to listen to this as well.

I hope you enjoy the link.  I'm gong to try work on some harmony with Daniel, though I don't quite know how to do this over the web and such a vast distance.  We'll see if it's even doable/practical to do so.

Enjoy!  Let me know what you think!


Posted via email from middledragon's posterous


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