Sunday, December 13, 2009

Creepy Words of Wisdom

We were dropping Darrel off at his new place at Pembroke & Gerard after an interview with a University of Western Ontario Professor who will be writing on Asian-Canadian/American theatre.  Fingers are crossed that 'Thy's' Asiansploitation aritcle will appear in a national academic journal in May 2010.
There was a no-right turn sign from the Gerard eastbound lanes, onto Pembroke south -- which apparently is there to discourage drivers from circling at night for sexual proclivities.  We made the turn anyways, a chain of cars parked along the right side.  We pulled to the left and let Darrel out.
Seconds later, an elderly woman ambles to the driver's window and murmurs with fierce intensity "You're going to be killed."
I shudder, then look at Jeff & Gene in bewilderment, quickly checking for cars that might hit us from behind.  Nothing.  I scan for people on the street for quick movements, things out of the ordinary.  Nothing.  Then I listen for sounds indicative of danger.  Nothing.  I quickly conclude that the woman is creepy.

Note to self:  Darrel has one creepy neighbour.

We drive down the street to Dundas.  And at true the Love Cafe at the corner of Dundas and Sherbourne where Juicy Sexy burgers are $5.75, I think to myself, Darrel lives in one eclectic neighbourhood

Posted via email from middledragon's posterous


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